
Past Exhibitions:

1. Hertfordshire Open Studios, 2007-2009
2. Cambridgeshire Open Studios 2010-2011
3. Tavern Gallery, Meldreth, 2010-1012. (Solo Exhibitions)
4. Cambridgeshire Motel 2015. (Solo Exhibition)
5. Melbourn Hub Gallery 2017 (With Valerie Pettifer)
6. Melbourn Hub Gallery 2018 (With Valerie Pettifer)
7. Melbourn Hub Gallery 2019 (With Valerie Pettifer)
8. Cambridgeshire Open Studios 2020, unfortunately cancelled due to COVID
9. Cambridge Open Studios 2021, sharing the exhibition location with John Pocock and Lucy Winter.
10. Cambridge Open Studios 2022, sharing the exhibition location with John Pocock and Lucy Winter.

Future Exhibitions:

After a successful Cambridge Open Studios, July 2022, I am now looking forward to Cambridge Open Studios, July 2023, when I shall again be exhibiting with John Pocock and Lucy Winter, at 33 Newton Road, Cambridge., CB2 8AL. Looking forward to seeing you.